NR32 1JE
The surgery has telephone access between 08:00-13:00. The phone lines will then be transferred for the lunch period and will re-open between 14:00-18:00.
For general queries please telephone us after 2 pm, where possible.
All telephone calls made to and from the practice are recorded for training purposes.
Accessing our building
The building has a large car park and easy access for all patients, including those in wheelchairs. Car park access is from Park Road.
There is a parking space, wheelchair and ramp access for the disabled.
We ask that you do not park in the Trinity Methodist car park.
Out of Hours
Non-urgent advice: Out of Hours
You can now request appointments to see a GP, practice nurse or other health professional in the evenings or at weekends.
Lowestoft Primary Care Network
This surgery is part of a Primary Care Network (PCN) called the Lowestoft Primary Care Network. All Lowestoft GP practices are members. We work together to improve services and access to healthcare for the residents of Lowestoft.
Together we provide appointments outside of normal hours, with GPs for new problems, nurse practitioners for minor illness, general nurse and phlebotomy appointments.
You may be offered an appointment at one of the other practices, your consent for other practices to view your medical records will be requested.
We work closely with our community providers Wellbeing Centre, Lowestoft Rising have provided a list of organisations/clubs and groups to support you in Lowestoft with their contact numbers.
Between 18:30 and 08:00, Monday to Friday, all day at weekends and on Bank Holidays your call will be redirected to the NHS 111 service.
If you need help now, but it’s not an emergency, go to 111.nhs.uk or call 111.
Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.