
Pre-bookable appointments with our Nursing Team

For issues relating to long-term conditions including asthma, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), COPD, chronic kidney disease, coronary heart disease and stroke. Blood tests, injections, smear tests and BP checks. You can request an appointment up to 4 weeks in advance, via our website, phone or at the front desk.

Pre bookable GP & Nurse Practitioner/Emergency Care Practitioner appointments

Appointments which have been requested by High Street Surgery Clinicians, or by other clinicians – for example from a hospital or external service. We have a limited amount of prebooked appointments which are reserved strictly for follow ups and to discuss abnormal results. A member of our reception team will contact you if a clinician has requested a follow up.

Same day GP & Nurse Practitioner/Emergency Care Practitioner appointments

We operate an on the day booking system for appointments with our GPs, ANPs & ECP. This is to provide as much capacity as possible for our patients needing a same day appointment, this system has reduced wastage of clinical time due to appointments not being attended when booked in advance.

You can request an appointment from 8am, via our website, phone or at the front desk.


We are committed to maintaining professional standards. For certain examinations during consultations an impartial observer, called a chaperone, will be required. 

This impartial observer will be a practice Nurse, Health Care Assistant or chaperone trained receptionist who is familiar with the procedure and be available to reassure and raise any concerns on your behalf. If a chaperone is unavailable at the time of your consultation, then your examination may be re-scheduled for another time. 

You are free to decline any examination or chose an alternative examiner or chaperone. You may also request a chaperone for any examination or consultation if one is not offered to you. The GP may not undertake an examination if a chaperone is declined. 

 The role of a chaperone: 

  • Maintains professional boundaries during intimate examinations. 
  • Acknowledges a patient’s vulnerability. 
  • Provides emotional comfort and reassurance. 
  • Assists in the examination. 
  • Assists with undressing patients, if required. 

Lateness & Cancelling or changing an appointment

If you are late by 5 minutes or more for a nurse appointment you will have to reschedule it. If you are late for a doctors appointment, it will be at their discretion.

If you are unable to attend, please cancel your appointment so we can give the time to someone else.

We have a strict policy for when patients do not attend their appointment and do not inform us about cancelling beforehand. If you do not inform us when you cancel an appointment three times within a 12 month period, you may be asked to leave the practice and register with another surgery.

If you are cancelling an appointment for the same day, please let us know as soon as possible

If you are cancelling an appointment for another day, please cancel your appointment by:

  • Phone 01502 589151
    – The appointment lines are open from 08:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:30 Monday to Friday and are at their busiest between 08:00 and 10:0
  • Visiting the surgery and speak with a receptionist
    – We are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6.30pm
  • Completing the online cancellation form

Home Visits

Home visits take up considerable time and are performed at the discretion of the doctors. Therefore, visits are only for patients who are genuinely housebound and for patients who are acutely bed bound/housebound due to acute illness or sudden severe illness, e.g. severe chest pain or shortness of breath.

The latter will be assessed by a doctor, as the most appropriate response may be to order an emergency ambulance.

To book a home visit, please telephone before 10:00 so that the duty doctors can plan their journey. If you are well enough to go out of the house, you should not expect a home visit.

Emergency requests for visits will be accepted at any time of the day. The receptionist will ask you for a brief description of the patient’s symptoms and then may consult with a doctor or nurse who will assess the degree of urgency. The doctor may telephone you to advise you.

When we are closed

NHS 111

If you are very unwell and you cannot wait until the surgery has opened, please call NHS 111 by dialling 111, and they will be able to advise on the care that you need. They can organise emergency services or an ambulance if needed. The NHS 111 is staffed by fully trained advisers supported by experienced nurses, pharmacists, and doctors. The NHS 111 service is available if you require urgent medical help, but it is not a life-threatening situation.

Late Night Pharmacies

As qualified healthcare professionals, community pharmacists can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.

If symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, pharmacists have the right training to make sure you get the help you need. For example, they will tell you if you need to see a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional.

All pharmacists train for 5 years in the use of medicines. They are also trained in managing minor illnesses and providing health and wellbeing advice.

Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Most pharmacies have a private consultation room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard.

You can find out your nearest open pharmacy on the website. Once you have searched for the location, you can select ‘only show pharmacies open now’ if you are searching outside of usual business hours.

Extended Access Service

You can now request appointments to see a GP, practice nurse or other health professional in the evenings or at weekends.

Lowestoft Primary Care Network

This surgery is part of a Primary Care Network (PCN) called the Lowestoft Primary Care Network. All Lowestoft GP practices are members. We work together to improve services and access to healthcare for the residents of Lowestoft.

Together we provide appointments outside of normal hours, with GPs for new problems, nurse practitioners for minor illness, general nurse and phlebotomy appointments.

You may be offered an appointment at one of the other practices, your consent for other practices to view your medical records will be requested.

We work closely with our community providers Wellbeing Centre, Lowestoft Rising have provided a list of organisations/clubs and groups to support you in Lowestoft with their contact numbers.